
ETHDam, Rebrand, and other Oasis updates!

The end of Q1 and the beginning of Q2 came spring and a new blooming Oasis.
We have been busy preparing and successfully launching our brand refresh, ETHDam and countless other community, engineering and ecosystem updates.
Happy reading! 


Engineering and Team Updates

After EthDenver, the engineering team has been hard at work, starting with the February 2024 Engineering Update. The team also had Developer Office Hours: Private Voting, hosted by Harry.

Also, don’t miss Oasis’ Jernej and Tadej discussing the 2024 Oasis Roadmap on Spaces!

Community Activities

If you missed March’s Oasis Q&A, read it here on Reddit

Oasis hosted a Mascot vote, but will hold another vote at the end of April due to a compromise from a bad actor. Be sure to check out our viral thread breaking down the mechanics of Smart Privacy!

Our community lead, Mihnea, had a very interesting March, hosting Oasis’ Harry Roberts to discuss his time at Oasis! He was also active at ETHBucharest with other Oasis team members and SCRT Network!

Ecosystem Project Updates

With a small break in March, Oasis was able to build a few new partnerships and continue building our ecosystem! 


Oasis invited hackers, DeFi enthusiasts and builders to ETHDam! 

As the event’s main sponsor, we had more than just an event planned — we also hosted our Build Natively on Sapphire hackathon and team dinners, gifting attendees with a beautiful rose and great memories!

Oasis’ Built Natively on Sapphire hackathon awarded a $12,000 bounty to the six winning hackers, with $2,000 set aside for projects building in AI on Sapphire. 

Winners include:

  • OasisGuard for their secure password manager where passwords are accessed via the user’s unique Passkey and authenticated through r1 curve signatures on Oasis;

  • 0x2FA for their gas-less transactions that make two-factor authentication easy;

  • PrivAd to enable privacy-preserving personal ads stored in an off-chain, trusted environment;

  • B-Hook so that users can create content a more interactive experience with privacy-enabled crowd-funding, enable sponsorships with public previews and grant private access to specific users;

  • BoT (Blockchain of Things), bringing secure data sharing for users and creators and allowing users to subscribe to data feeds provided by creators from iOT devices;

  • BlackSea! BlackSea offers dark order pools, making trading on-chain while protecting large orders from front-running and more easy and intuitive.

Congratulations to Oasis’ hackathon bounty winners and participants! Want to learn more about the hackathon and hackers’ experiences? Follow the excitement with Community Lead Mihnea Stefanescu!

Missed Oasis’ brand refresh? Catch up here to follow how we want to Decentralize all the things!

Our brand refresh to include smart-privacy infrastructure for Decentralized AI can get complicated, so we asked Oasis Labs’ Vishwa Raman for a tech deep-dive.

We also ran into Matej Janez, BD Manager at Oasis, our future plans and meaning behind building the foundations of Decentralized AI.

Engineering and Team Updates

Following ETHDam, the engineering team has continued strong, starting with the March 2024 Engineering Update

We are also happy to announce that Harry Roberts has been accepted to be a speaker at DappCon in Berlin in May.

Here are our teams’ spaces to listen along with your morning or afternoon coffee

Ecosystem Project Updates

April also brought new partnership announcements and activities! 

Interested in joining the Oasis team?!

Oasis is always looking to hire passionate builders and creators in Web3. There are open roles across developer relations, operations, business development, and more. See a complete list of open roles here

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue Q2 strong.

The Oasis Team

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